It is true when they say hardwork pays and Respect keep you going. Phakamani Khumalo also know by his stage name Phakamani DE Khomedieni a young comedian from KwaCeza is doing great and growing so fast in the industry, Last week Saturday the funny you man won the Live Your Dream SA award for best comedian, the ceremony was held at Durban Playhouse. As a young and hardworking guy from rural area he wish to do many things for his community also his country as a whole. Phakamani also wish to do more shows and promote more comedians as he believes that comedy is the only thing that can make people happy In other words comedy is therapy "some people have problems in their homes, Varsity, work place etc, so they need sometime to relieve stress with comedy, comedy is the most difficult job but it's saving more lives" he said. Phakamani Khumalo also won award for best actor in KwaZulu Art celebration awards he want to put his comedy into the world level, he also wish to do comedy...