Some situations come to your life not only to make you suffer but to teach you some lessons ,behind every situation you going through there's a lesson, every successful person have a sad story to tell how it all began and what they've been through...todays pain must'nt determine your future instead lets learn to convert our problems into solutions.
There's no elevator to success we all gotta take stairs, instant success doesn't exist, i know the journey to success is one of the hardest ever but when you make it through....IT GONNA BE WORTH IT. By lindokuhle dube
People who were meant to be in your life will stay despite the circumstances you may encounter, don't beg people to be your friends stop tolerating shit because you afraid you may lose them, if you lose some people in your life thats ok ,they weren't meant to be with you. Simply learn to appreciate those who remain behind with you, those who listen to you. Don't ever make a mistake of begging just let it be what it meant to be. By Lindokuhle dube
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