
Time waits for no man

Dreams will remain dreams if you dont wake up today and start acting...set your goals aim for the best, everyday theres an opportunity to improve your life ,its all up to you its either you stay at home feeling sorry for yourself or get up and start hustling from the scratch till you reach the peak,unleash the beast in you let your brain run wild think,research then Do, start taking actions today and dont look back. And dont rest until you succeed.

What goes around comes around!

What goes around comes around,humble yourself before life does. The common mistakes people make is that whenever they pull through they gloat,to each an every goal they accomplished they gloat....but they forget that the clock is ticking  minutes turn into hours so does hours turn into days before you know it ,you'll be down with no one to pull you up,respect others

Be the change you want to see

Learn to accept who you are, where you from and where you wanna be in future. Most of the successful people in this world they have a very terrible background but they never let that stop them from achieving their goals in life   Dont force things, dont bother trying to fit in where you dont belong, its not anybodys fault that you were born in a poor family,you may be a laughing stock to your peers because of your situation at home but its not your fault that shack you live in its not your fault the scrap your parents  drive its not your fault,its all your parents could achieve be gratefull atleast you have a place called home. Growing up knowing the circumistances you grew under must be a lesson to you infact must be a motivation to you , you dont want your children growing under the same situation you grew under. The decisions you take today will have an impact in your future same goes for the friends you choose, theirfore make the best choices today for the better futu...

Hustle hard

Success you dont owe it to anyone but yourself In this world everything you do you do it for yourself every steps you take leads back to you, everything you will ever achieve in this world will be cherished and inherited by children and more generations to come... Theirfore create an empire you want to be remembered with..dont let your next generation suffer dont let them go through the same struggle you grew under..set an example so that theyll follow on your footsteps You dont owe success to anyone but to yourself.. Success comes in hard work and a very dedicated individual,struggle now hustle hard And enjoy the benefits of your hard work for the rest of your life... By lindokuhle dube

Be humble

The fact that you grew up in the rich family,everything comes in silver platter for you,your family is a living gold mine, that doesn't give you the right to undermine others. What goes around comes around,you may have it all today  but oneday the person you undermining  may be the one who will be able to help you tomorrow ,so be careful how you treat others, because you don't know what the future unfolds. By lindokuhle dube


If you wanna succeed associate yourself with right people who shares a same vision with you ,with positive mindset, people who are goal driven . Swallow your pride and approach the right people ,nothing will come to you , better start hunting the right ones to live with ,feed and nourish each other with worthy information By lindokuhle dube

Lets appreciate life

Life is a gift from god Appreciate it,cherish it and live it Live it in an way that shall pleases god in heavens. The world have turned into a bad place,people living according to devils principles,ruled by money and power. Wealth is all that matters in this planet. If you are one of those people who've forgotten about god repent now its never too late to be saved remember these words"for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son,that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" Theirfore its never too late to change your ways, by doing good in the community and managing your behaviour well you wont only be respecting god but you'll also be creating a good habit where all your generation shall follow. By lindokuhle dube